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Living in Nyon: Can’t get an œuf eggs

La plus nyonnaise des blogueuses anglophones consacre son billet à Pâques et aux inévitables oeufs.

09 avr. 2020, 14:00
Catherine Nelson Pollard, blogueuse

«I t’s good to see the boxes of multi-coloured, painted eggs in the supermarkets at the moment. They are a nice tradition. They brighten up the kitchen and are a welcome sign at Easter time. Though when I first arrived in Switzerland, I made a newbie mistake: I had no idea that these eggs were already hard-boiled. I picked up a box one day with the intention of making an omelette that night. Dinner obviously didn’t go according to plan.

I like pretty much all kinds of egg dishes, whether it’s œuf à la coque, œuf poché, “eggs over easy” or “sunny-side-up”. These last two expressions are American terms; the first means the egg is fried on both sides. The “over” refers to the flipping part, the “easy” means you want the egg to be cooked lightly. Eggs that are “sunny side up” are fried just on one side and...

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