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Living in Nyon: Life in a Lockdown

Catherine Nelson Pollard, la blogueuse de Living in Nyon, apprend, elle aussi, à "vivre autrement".

27 mars 2020, 14:56
Catherine Nelson Pollard, blogueuse.

«So here we are in week two of the current lockdown here in Switzerland. It’s an unusual state of affairs that we all had to adapt to pretty quickly. To help us with this new situation, the press has published lots of articles on how we can work from home or Apprendre à vivre autrement.

Some of the tips on how to get through the next few weeks (or months?) make interesting reading. There are some obvious ones such as using this period to spring-clean our home or how to exercise in small spaces. I read that one man ran the length of a marathon all on his seven-metre balcony. However, the idea we will all “now have the time to put all our photos in an album” is a little ambitious in my case. I currently have 17,000+ photos on my computer. It’s going to take more than one...

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