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Living in Nyon: pumping up our Pneus

La blogueuse Catherine Nelson Pollard nous parle d'activités pour retrouver la forme.

18 janv. 2019, 15:01
Catherine Nelson Pollard, blogueuse.

There’s a sign not far from the entrance to the Bains des Paquis in Geneva that says - “Ici, vous pouver regonfler vos pneus”. Alongside is a pump that’s available for the public to inflate their bike tires, and “d’autres véhicules avec chambre à air”. I spotted it last Tuesday whilst walking with a friend along the Geneva lakeside. We were catching up on each other’s news and enjoying a few rays of winter sun as we tried to burn off some of the mince pies and sluggishness after Christmas. In a way we were trying to pump some air back into our own systems, or as the sign said, “redonnez du souffle à vos pneus”.

At this time of year there are lots of articles in the press about getting back into shape, along with adverts encouraging us to join a gym. It’s only recently that I discovered that...

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