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With every Christmas card I write

La blogueuse Catherine Nelson Pollard nous parle de Noël.

22 déc. 2018, 15:00
Catherine Nelson Pollard, blogueuse.

This year I seem to have received lots of Christmas cards with robins on the front. According to an article on the BBC’s home page (that’s the British Broadcasting Company by the way, not the Basket Ball Club of Nyon), the British love robins for many reasons, from the obvious – the lovely red colour on its breast, to the fact it has a friendly, “human” name.

I also read that robins are famously unfussy when it comes to building their nests. Seemingly, they have been known to build in plant pots, unmade beds, you name it; they will have made their home there. I can identify somewhat with this little bird as I calculated recently that Nyon is my 14th address out of many across the world. Which means I have a lot of cards (around 80) to send to all those people I have met in lands afar....

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